Mexicana Kingsnakes inhabit spectacular country. The Chihuahuan Desert and bordering Sierra Madre Oriental and Occidental present some of the most picturesque landscapes on the planet. One of the highlights of doing fieldwork in or simply traveling through these areas is the chance to capture the scenes for posterity. We have been fortunate to visit many of the places where Mexicana Group Lampropeltis live, and in the following pages we offer up a few images from our collection.

Additionally, this gallery contains numerous photographs of living Mexicana Kingsnakes, a mix of both wild-caught and captive-bred specimens. It is our intent to continue fieldwork in Mexico and the southwestern U.S. for the foreseeable future, and thus we will be adding images to the gallery on a regular basis.*

All photographs were taken by us unless indicated otherwise, and may not be used elsewhere (in print or electronic media) without permission from Thank you!

*Note: Since we first penned this paragraph, conditions in Mexico have deteriorated significantly, to the point where we no longer consider it safe to do field work in most areas. Violence associated with Mexican drug cartels has rendered large areas of the country too dangerous both for Mexican citizens and foreign visitors. The COVID-19 Pandemic has further complicated visits to Mexico. We look forward to the day when these issues are more or less resolved. The U.S. State Department has issued the following Travel Warning, updated as of September 8, 2020.